Model Diet Tips

One of the best things you can do to look more beautiful is to slim down to your correct body weight.
Models and actresses spend enormous amounts of time and money to lose that weight, whether its time with their personal trainers, cleansing weekends or surgery.

There are easier solutions for the rest of us though - below are a selection of diet tips suggested by real models. For more ideas, check out our other site Model Diet Plan. If you have any more suggestions, please email them to us!

Model Diet Tip #1 - Take a photo of yourself in a bikini every week to measure your progress (and keep you motivated!)

Model Diet Tip #2 - Keep healthy snacks in the house - sweet potatoes, low fat Jell-O and frozen fruit are good examples!

Model Diet Tip #3 - A thirsty body sometimes thinks it is hungry. When you get a hunger pang, try a glass of water first!

Model Diet Tip #4 - When you are hungry, you can also try a coffee or a Diet Coke - both can make you feel more full!

Model Diet Tip #5 - Eat slowly! It takes a while for your stomach to tell the brain that it is full - give it some time!

Model Diet Tip #6 - Drink green tea between meals to curb your appetite. Keeping a box of teabags at work will help.

Model Diet Tip #7 - Drink lots of water! Your metabolism will not function without lots of water, so keep drinking!

Model Diet Tip #8 - Use mustard on your sandwiches - mayonnaise has little nutritional value and is loaded with fat.

Model Diet Tip #9 - Write a food diary - it will help you pinpoint where you can improve your diet.

Model Diet Tip #10 - Put a picture of you when you were skinny on the fridge, or the freezer where you keep the ice cream.

Model Diet Tip #11 - Find yourself a Diet Buddy - support each other, weigh each other once a week and compare notes.

Model Diet Tip #12 - Drink green tea or coffee before your meal in a restaurant - it helps you stay away from huge meals!

Model Diet Tip #13 - Do not fry your food! Baking, roasting or broiling are much healthier methods.

Model Diet Tip #14 - Switch to calorie-free diet sodas. Most normal sodas contain about 120 calories!

Model Diet Tip #15 - Cut down on the drinking! Alcoholic drinks are high calorie and have little nutritional value.

Model Diet Tip #16 - Use a list for your weekly shop, and try not to buy anything off the list.

Model Diet Tip #17 - Always eat breakfast, this will get your metabolism working and actually help you lose weight!

Model Diet Tip #18 - Chew sugarless gum between meals - it will help you to feel fuller.

Model Diet Tip #19 - Use chopsticks when you eat rice dishes - it might help you to eat more slowly!

Model Diet Tip #20 - Take the skin off chicken before you eat it - this reduces the fat content by 75%!

Model Diet Tip #21 - Keep some freshly cut vegetables in the fridge - eat them with a light dip as a snack.

Model Diet Tip #22 - On days out, take a protein bar in your bag rather than buy chocolate from the deli.

Get Ready to ‘Glamour’ Your Fellow Fangbangers With Tarte for True Blood

Any fangbanger worth her weight in bottled synthetic blood knows all too well that True Blood is set to return for its fourth season very soon, but unless she’s telepathic, she may not know much about this killer limited-edition cosmetics collaboration.

Tarte Cosmetics wants you to be as pretty as a southern belle from Bon Temps with their newest capsule collection: Tarte for True Blood. Created in conjunction with Brigitte Myre-Ellis, head of True Blood‘s makeup department, every vampy vixen should prepare to glamour and turn everyone that dares cross her path.

“As loyal fans of the hit series, we’re absolutely thrilled to be working with HBO and the True Blood team,” said Maureen Kelly, Founder and CEO of Tarte. “This collection not only reflects the sexy vibe of the show, but it also remains true to the Tarte brand with natural formulas, healthy ingredients, and eco-chic packaging.”

HBO is equally thrilled with the partnership. “Tarte was the perfect company to partner with for this exciting venture,” says James Costos, VP of Licensing and Retailing. “They have developed an exquisite collection that is truly representative of the dark, provocative world of True Blood.”

The three-piece set features the Tarte™ for True Blood™ Natural Cheek Stain in Shimmering Red ($30), LipSurgence™ Natural Lip Tint in Shimmering Red ($24), and the Collector’s Palette ($52), which features 17 different eyeshadows, a mascara, a gel eyeliner, eye primer, and detailed instructions on creating four official looks created by Myre-Ellis: Vampy Vixen, Luminous Fairy, Not Your Average Waitress, and Vamp Glam.

In keeping with Tarte’s well-known stance on natural beauty, the entire collection is formulated without parabens, phthalates, mineral oil, sodium lauryl sulfate, and synthetic fragrances.

How To Get Gorgeous Skin

* Don't go to bed with makeup on. Makeup left on overnight seeps into your pores, clogs them, and congests your skin. Make sure that you wash your face twice at the end of the day. Once to get the makeup off. A second time to wash the skin itself.

* Exfoliate daily. After washing your face at night, be sure to exfoliate. Use a delicate scrub. If you don't have one on hand, a tablespoon of sugar or oatmeal will work just fine.

* Use facial masks regularly. If possible, everyday is ideal. Again, if you don't have one on hand, make your own. Mashed banana or avocado is good. Plain yogurt also works well.

* Keep a treatment and moisturizer on your face, day or night. Put your skin first. After you wash it at night, put on some kind of skin treatment, whether it's alpha hydroxy acids, vitamin A or C, or any kind of special cocktail treatment. Let that sink in, then put a moisturizer over that. In the morning, do the same.

* Don't use the cheapest or most expensive cosmetics. Mom tells me that moderately priced cosmetics are the best. They get the job done, and the ingredients are usually pretty good. You have to keep trying various brands until you find something that works well for you.

* Hydrate your face throughout the day. Whether it's a commercial product, or one you make yourself (fill a spray bottle with distilled water, add a few drops of chamomile or rose essential oil, shake it gently before each use, and spray it on) hydrate your face, even over makeup, frequently throughout the day.

* Treat your face gently. Never pull, tug, or scrub your facial skin. Be very gentle when you clean it, moisturize it or makeup on it. This will lessen the chance that you'll damage your skin and get wrinkles.

* Keep your face covered when you're in the sun. As beautiful as she is, my mom never lets anyone see her face when she's in the sun. She'll slather on a high factor sunscreen, put on sunglasses, and a wide brimmed hat.

* Eat fresh foods and drink lots of water. My mom tells me to stay away from "dead food" food that's basically not fresh. She always eat lots of veggies, fruits, nuts, and drinks tons of water.

* Let go of stress. Stress can show up on your face, no matter how well you take care of your skin. Do something your enjoy everyday, whether it's watching TV or going shopping. Your face reflects what's going on inside of your mind.

Wrinkle Removal Recipe

Banana is wonderful as an anti-wrinkle treatment.

Mash 1/4 banana until very creamy. Spread all over face and leave for 15-20 minutes before rinsing off with warm water followed by a dash of cold.
Gently pat dry.

Why Do We Get Wrinkles?

Wrinkles. Some women see them as the bane of their existence, and they actually go through all means they could possibly afford just to get those wrinkles off their faces, the means ranging from expensive creams to Botox to plastic surgery and facelift. Our culture and society is so youth-oriented that wrinkles, especially on women, have become totally undesirable.

Why do we get wrinkles?
Wrinkles are mostly associated with aging. As we age, the cells of our skin become thinner and lose elasticity because of the decreased levels of collagen production in our body. The skin cells also divide more slowly, thus delaying repair and renewal of the skin. Also, as we age, the fat cells just under the outer layer of our skin, which makes the skin look supple, get smaller and lose their ability to fill out whatever gaps created by the damage that occurs in the inner layers of our skin. And so our skin sags, becomes dry and develops wrinkles as we age.

Wrinkles also develop because of skin damage, the skin damage coming mostly from exposure to sunlight. Spending too much time under the sun with minimal or no protection at all causes the skin to be vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation. Sunlight causes the outer layer of the skin, which is the epidermis, to become thinner, and encourages the overproduction of melanin, which eventually leads to skin cancer. Continued sunlight exposure also causes the collagen in our skin to break down more rapidly, faster than natural aging actually does. Loss of collagen results in loss of elasticity for the skin, therefore to skin wrinkling.

The development of free radicals in the skin also causes it to wrinkle. Free radicals are unstable oxygen molecules in the body that lack an electron; oxygen molecules need two. Free radicals also contribute to the speedy breakdown of collagen in the skin. How do free radicals develop in the skin? This happens through continued exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun, air pollution and cigarette smoking.

We are probably not aware of this, but gravity also plays a role in why we get wrinkles. Gravity pulls at our skin, causing sags and jowls to form.

Getting wrinkles is a natural process. It is something we cannot avoid, and it is something that starts happening in our twenties and thirties. Facelift and other cosmetic surgery cost an arm and a leg, but there are cheaper ways and more effective ways of arresting the formation of wrinkles in the skin and keeping our skin looking younger for longer.

Ways to diminish wrinkles

First is to keep our skin well-protected from UV ray exposure. This means laying on product, such as creams and lotions, that have SPF protection all over the skin. Another is proper nutrition and hydration. Eat lots of fruits, vegetables and fish that are rich in vitamins and minerals that fight the development of free radicals in the body. Also, drink plenty of water and fruit juices to keep the body hydrated, and avoid too much black tea and coffee.

Get as much sleep as possible as well, as much as eight hours a day. Sufficient rest keeps the body from being stressed, since chronic stress accelerates the aging process. Lastly, give up smoking because smoking dehydrates the skin and burns away the nutrients of the body.

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away; But Why?

You’ve always heard that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but did you really ever know why? The majority of people have probably figured it was just because they’re loaded with vitamins and minerals, but in fact there’s much more! The skin of an apple is packed with quercetin and naringin—flavoniods that protect lungs from pollutants, improving lung function and reducing the risk of lung cancer. Besides reducing asthma symptoms and the risk for lung cancer, apples can also reduce the risks for breast cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer, and Alzheimer’s. As a low-calorie, fiber-dense fruit—apples are also great for weight loss. Not hungry? Make a green apple face mask instead! Surprisingly, the simple at-home remedy helps replenish moisture and smooth fine lines.

Oily Skin Care Tips

Oily skin is characterized by skin that is shiny and oily to the touch and has large pores. Oily skin is caused by glands that overproduce secretions in the skin. This can lead to both black and white heads developing on the skin. The good news is that oily skin is generally strong and resistant and is less prone to wrinkle or develop expression lines. But just because you have oily skin doesn’t mean that you’re doomed to have acne forever. It just means following a healthy skin care routine that can help keep these extra secretions to a minimum. Here are a few tips on how to care for oily skin.

  1. Basic care of oily skin begins with washing the face at least twice a day, and three times if possible. While oily skin may be resistant, many of the stronger ingredients in skin care products are not necessary and a regular cleanser can be used. If you are constantly fighting acne, you may wish to try a cleanser that has salicylic acid. Cleaning the face on a regular basis is more important that using a cleanser for oily skin. Still, soap and products with alcohol should be avoided. Soap can irritate the skin, while alcohol can over dry the skin.
  2. A very important tip for those that suffer oily skin is to always remember to take off your makeup before going to bed. Leaving on the makeup keeps the skin from breathing properly and blocking the pores can lead to the development of pimples or black heads. No matter how late you get home or how tired you are, always get in the habit of removing your makeup at the end of the day.
  3. If you’re in the habit of using a toner, you can continue as long as it doesn’t contain alcohol. The jury is out whether toner can help your skin or not, as many modern cleansers have ingredients that refresh the skin, but it can help eliminate residue from the cleanser and it does feel good on the skin.
  4. Moisturizer is still important, even if you’re battling oily skin. Try to use a moisturizer formulated for your skin type, which will hydrate your skin after the other products have done their work to reduce the extra secretions.

Beauty Tips for Beautiful Face

1. Keep out of the sun
Try to keep out of the sun as much as possible by wearing caps or hats is a great way to help keep those harsh rays away from the face. Many studies indicate one of the most damaging elements for the face is sunlight so keep that in mind..

2. Skin Care Moisturizing
Use natural or cleansing moisturizing skin care such as emu oil skin care to help keep the skin moist and supple. This will reduce the chance of wrinkles or damage to facial skin..

3. Stress Less
Stress majorly effects the beauty of the face, by slowly changing to the common mood you are in. By stressing less and being happy, beauty will last longer and show happy expressions in the face over time, which always look great.. Look at people that are happy all the time as an example to see what i mean..

4. Water
That’s right, that essential nutrient again, it truly is great, drink it often and it will help in many ways including health and beauty..

5. Eat Well
Eat a well balanced diet that includes over 50% alkaline which is veges and fruits.. This have amazing on all beauty aspects including for the face..

6. Exercise Well
Exercise everyday in some way for at least an hour and the body will always be happy, it will reduce stress, help absorb water better and food and lastly improve beauty aspects of the body including the face..

7. Pollution
Keep away from pollution or smoking related activities, these will eventually show on the face. Sorry smokers I had to say it..

8. Chemicals
Try not to use chemicals with cleaning products or any type of household products, there are plenty of alternatives and most chemicals will burn the skin (including the face) and damage it in many ways over time..

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