1. Keep out of the sun
Try to keep out of the sun as much as possible by wearing caps or hats is a great way to help keep those harsh rays away from the face. Many studies indicate one of the most damaging elements for the face is sunlight so keep that in mind..
2. Skin Care Moisturizing
Use natural or cleansing moisturizing skin care such as emu oil skin care to help keep the skin moist and supple. This will reduce the chance of wrinkles or damage to facial skin..
3. Stress Less
Stress majorly effects the beauty of the face, by slowly changing to the common mood you are in. By stressing less and being happy, beauty will last longer and show happy expressions in the face over time, which always look great.. Look at people that are happy all the time as an example to see what i mean..
4. Water
That’s right, that essential nutrient again, it truly is great, drink it often and it will help in many ways including health and beauty..
5. Eat Well
Eat a well balanced diet that includes over 50% alkaline which is veges and fruits.. This have amazing on all beauty aspects including for the face..
6. Exercise Well
Exercise everyday in some way for at least an hour and the body will always be happy, it will reduce stress, help absorb water better and food and lastly improve beauty aspects of the body including the face..
7. Pollution
Keep away from pollution or smoking related activities, these will eventually show on the face. Sorry smokers I had to say it..
8. Chemicals
Try not to use chemicals with cleaning products or any type of household products, there are plenty of alternatives and most chemicals will burn the skin (including the face) and damage it in many ways over time..